- 彼の犯罪はまもなく露見するだろう
his crime will soon come to light 意味
- "his credit stands high among his colleagues" 意味
- "his creditors attached part of his wages without warning" 意味
- "his creditors continued to hound him" 意味
- "his cricket feats captured the national imagination" 意味
- "his crime remained undiscovered" 意味
- "his crimes were credit-card theft and forgery" 意味
- "his criminal record disqualified him for public employment" 意味
- "his criminal record was a disadvantage to him in getting a job" 意味
- "his criticism did not dent her belief in herself" 意味
- "his cricket feats captured the national imagination" 意味
- "his crime remained undiscovered" 意味
- "his crimes were credit-card theft and forgery" 意味
- "his criminal record disqualified him for public employment" 意味